Support Make California Gold Again

Please give today to invest in California and help us resurrect this state from the dead!
California was at one point the most desired state to live in the Nation. Currently it has some of the highest taxes, gas prices, and restrictive mandates in the country. With over 100,000 people leaving the state in the last year- the numbers prove it is time to turn this state around! We BELIEVE in God and we BELIEVE that ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!
With your investment we can get the right candidates elected, help businesses come back to life, get the homeless off the street and reach the next generation! Thank you for answering the call to give! We will not let you down and we will Make California Gold Again! Thank you for joining the MCGA family and empowering us to bring faith, hope and shine back to this state!
Freedom Bracelet ($5 gift)$5.00
Freedom Bracelet ($20 gift)$20.00
Freedom Bracelet ($50 gift)$50.00
Freedom Bracelet ($100 gift)$100.00
Freedom Bracelet ($500 gift)$500.00
Freedom Bracelet ($1000 gift)$1,000.00
Freedom Bracelet ($5000 gift)$5,000.00