Lanhee Chen
California Controller - Candidate
Someone needs to watch out for you – the California taxpayer
For too long, the Controller has been a Sacramento insider, valuing partisanship over competence. The Controller has been beholden to other politicians, defending THEM, instead of fighting for and protecting YOU.
That won’t be me. I’m not part of the one-party monopoly that has controlled Sacramento for too long. We aren’t going to change California by recycling the same old tired politicians from one job to another.

Lanhee Chen is a leader, problem-solver and educator who has built his career on tackling some of California and America’s biggest fiscal policy challenges. He was raised in Southern California and is the son of immigrants from Taiwan. After earning four degrees from Harvard University, including a law degree and doctorate in political science, he served in senior roles in both Republican and Democratic presidential administrations.
Today, Lanhee is regarded as one of America’s leading policy commentators and experts. He teaches at Stanford University, where he also conducts research at the Hoover Institution, a public policy think tank. He has helped leaders in California and around the country develop policies to address some of our society’s most pressing problems—like improving our health care system, saving Social Security, and growing our economy. His writings have appeared in America’s biggest newspapers and he has frequently shared his ideas and policy recommendations on television news programs across America and around the world.